[NanoLight] Prolume Purple

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[NanoLight] Prolume Purple

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[NanoLight] Prolume Purple

Prolume Purple

Prolume Purple 또는 methoxy e-Coelenterazine (Me-O-e-CTZ)은 methoxy group을 추가하여 방출 최대치를 475nm에서 405nm로 낮춘 e-Coelenterazine의 새로운 합성 유사체입니다. (US Patent 2013/057660) Nanolight™ Technologies는 Prolume Purple을 개발했습니다. Prolume Purple은 CTZ400a (“deep blue C”)보다 최대 13배 더 높은 luminescence을 나타냅니다.

Details & Information

Cat No.: 369
Compound ID: Prolume Purple (PP-CTZ)
Alternative Name: methoxy e-Coelenterazine (me-O-eCTZ)
Molecular: C29H25N3O3
Molecular weight: 463.53
Application: emits around 405 nm with RLuc, RLucII, RLuc3, RLuc8 and Green Renilla Luc useful as a substrate in bioluminescence imaging (BLI) with near-infrared BRET partners.


The advantages of lyophilized luciferins are:

  • pre-aliquoted in small amounts, fresh substrate for every set of experiments
  • long shelf-life (packed under Argon)
The luciferin is shipped as filtered, lyophilized, batch controlled substrate

어스바이오(USBIO)는 NanoLight 한국 공식 대리점입니다.
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Tel : 02-862-2816 / email : bio@usbio.co.kr
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